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  • 家庭客房



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Plan a wonderful stay with your family at the Hamburg Marriott Hotel. With our prime location in the city center, unfold your own family story right in the heart of Hamburg with the most charming city sights and streets within walking distance. On your way back, we invite you to make yourself at home and welcome you in the homely comfort of our modern Junior Suites & Family Rooms. Discover our rooms selection which is thoughtfully designed to let your family experience the same familiar convenience also when travelling. From selected kids amenities to heartfelt service, we have all you need to enjoy wonderful moments with your little ones. Let us pamper you at Hamburg Marriott Hotel.

<h3>家庭特别优惠:儿童住宿和用餐免费</h3> <p>欢迎体验我们的家庭优惠,于汉堡万豪酒店畅享非凡礼遇。儿童宾客可享住宿和用餐免费,每房至多可携两位儿童同住。酒店附近有众多闻名遐迩的汉堡景点,您可于此开启精彩缤纷的汉堡探索之旅。</p>